Saturday, January 3, 2009

Courage & honesty bring sucess

SUCCESS means to reach such a constant level of positive thoughts that good actions happen naturally. Good actions are like good seeds which, when planted, produce healthy sweet fruit. As you sow, so shall you reap.

Concern for the quality of our actions today ensures the success of our tomorrow.Virtues are the mainstay in this b'cos success like this requires hope, & hope, in today's world requires courage.

It is a matter of working from the strength of our convictions which is a spiritual kind of honesty. Balance of both hope & courage makes our path easier.

We will only then move forward & our success will also be assured. Courage alone does not bring success. If there is only courage, there will be ego.

Notice how many times you put yourself down during the day. Include what you think & say, & words spoken in jest.

Pay particular attention to how you react to your mistakes & poor choices. Think of yourself as a child who is learning to walk; you need encouragement - not criticism.

Thought for reflection:

The hopeful man sees success where others see failure; sunshine where others see shadows and storms.

My thought;

Every successful person has a painful story.
Every painful story has a successful ending.
Accept the pain & get ready for success.
Mistakes are painful when they happen.
But year's later collection of mistakes is called experience, which leads to SUCCESS.

1 comment:

  1. No pain, No gain, be a man, take the pain for once and enjoy the gain forever. Nothing will stop us if we continue to focus, dedicated, committed and have alot of passion for our daily work. Lucky star will start to follow along the way if we continue to work hard everyday. Cheers..Mmudahlupa.
