Saturday, January 31, 2009

US President blasted Wall Street bonuses handed out

US President blasted Wall Street bonuses handed out amid the financial crisis.

Taking on one of the most politically explosive issues of the economic downturn, Obama expressed outrage over a report that Wall Street fiems gave out more than US$18 billion in bonuses last year.

" That is the height of irresponsibility. It is shamful," the president said, calling on US financial firms to "show some restraint and some discipline and sense of responsibility."

Well, readers, what's your take on this. My company gave us a token of appreciation for the CNY. Is this a sense of irresponsibility on the part of the management? I strongly disagree. In fact, i lauded their wise decision.

Very soon, i confidence this company would achieve the status of a behemoth organization.

Back To Work

Back To Work

On our way back to Sibu on 30/01/09, we were welcomed by continuous torrential rain since a few days before CNY. Hardly a day passed without heavy rain and landslides news hitting headlines; Heavy downpour takes toll on roads, Water level still high, Evacuation centre closed but on standby and more…..

The project site is in a deplorable condition and manpower is yet to reach the anticipated maximum requirements and would only be back to normal by 2/02/09, hopefully.

Lots of catching up to do; in terms of paper work and chasing site progress, especially. We hope to complete the project by this August or at least by December 2009. And move on to another project base in Kuching. Nearer to home and family.

While having a small talk with my MD, I was given the assurance that no retrenchment and the organization would function as usual. However, site management need to be beefed up to prevent chronic waste of resources during the present economic meltdown. My management support is highly commendable.

Let’s hope things would go well and complete the project ASAP.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Govt to pay RM1 bln VOP to contractors

The government is expected to pay around RM 1 billion as Variation of Price ( VOP) to contractors of over 1,000 9MP projects by 2010, said Works Minister Datuk Mohd Zin Mohamad.

` The Minstry of Works has identified 1,311 government projects which are eligible for the payment under VOP. The gov’t has paid out RM44.2 million to contractors of 270 gov’t projects as at Nov 17, 2008.’ he said.

He added that VOP is an effort undertaken by the gov’t to help contractors minimize losses caused by the drastic price increase of building material such as steel, particularly last year.

` On Aug 6 , 2008, the gov’t decided to implement a new method to calculate VOP in order to minimize the losses of contractors due to the increase in construction cost.’ said Zin.

He explained that under the new method, 11 types of building materials were considered under VOP for civil engineering projects compared to five in the past.

For projects under building construction, VOP is based on changes in the cost index for 14 materials and steel prices.

The gov’t has also agreed to implement VOP for mechanical and electrical ( M & E ) projects with the condition that they are under civil engineering or building construction.

` Meanwhile the gov’t also considering backdating the implementation date for the steel VOP to Jan 1, 2008 from May 12, 2008 previously. The gov’t will maintain its 50:50 risk sharing with the contractors,’ he said.

Besides steel, Zin said the VOP is also applied to copper and iron for M & E projects which were implemented from July 1, 2008.

Source: The Borneo Post
Dated 23 January 2009

The Missing Brick

Once, when I and my wife were traveling, I received a fax from my secretary.

`There’s one glass brick missing for the work on the kitchen renovation,’ she said. `I’m sending you the original plan as well as the plan the builder has come up with to compensate for it.’

On the other hand, there was the design my wife had made: harmonious lines of bricks with an opening for ventilation. On the other, there was the plan drawn up to resolve the problem of the missing brick: a real jigsaw puzzle in which the glass squares were arranged in a higgledy-piggledy fashion that defied aesthetics.

`Just buy another brick,’ wrote my wife. And so they did, and thus stuck to the original design.

That afternoon, I thought for a long time about what had happened, how often, for the lack of one brick, we completely distort the original plan our lives.

Paulo Coelho; Like the Flowing River Pg 89

Moral of the story:
Don’t sweat the small stuff

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Transform your outlook on life

Don't sweat the Small Stuff......OMNIBUS by Richard Carlson;

Let me share the excerpt from the book.

So many of us would like to live our lives in a calmer and less stressful way, and be able to let go of our problems. In this phenomenal bestseller Don't Sweet the Small Stuff...and it's all Small Stuff Carlson shows us how to stop letting the little things in life drive us crazy.

The book also show us how to interact more peacefully and joyfully with colleagues, clients and bosses. He reveals how to shine in meetings, how to react to criticism from colleagues, and how to ask for a pay rise in the most effective way possible.

Moreover, you will learn brilliant strategies for achieving financial success by giving up stress, worry, anger and fear. Carlson's basic philosophy for life is the more you give, the more you get back- and that you can make money or make excuses, but you can't do both.

The book are sure to transform your outlook in life.

Enjoy reading, fellow bloggers.

Flooding in Sarawak

Floods wreak havoc in Sarawak – Day 2

Today it’s a much better day although experiencing drizzling weather condition. We were able to travel to & from work in our FORD vehicle and onto a new top up layer of stone and gravel on existing roads as a temporary road base (or rather sub base) spread, leveled, & rolled & well consolidated for residents to go to school and work. I suppose it’s an initiative by local councils and JKR while begging for funds from the federal gov’t. Well, It’s a good election gimmick for some aspiring MPs and future WORKS Minister! Currently, we have a Deputy Minister of Housing in Sibu and would be timely to have a Foochow Works Minister!

Malaysian MPs seems to be singing the same old tune again and again every time a disaster struck. Landslide at Bukit Antarabangsa, Highlands Towers just to name a few. Developers are issued with STOP WORK order by relevant authorities BUT not for long. After a few months, bulldozers & excavators start to roll again. Short memories, Malaysian isn’t it?

Flooding in Sarawak is an old issue esp. in Sibu. Flood mitigation Plan would surface every time an election comes near. It’s again a forum for candidates to lies , lies… get elected. Can’t blame them. It is all part and parcel of the pathetic attempt to win votes at any cost. Of course, it will lead to that fateful days when the electorate says’ ` Now that you have won, where are the things you promised us?’ It’s axiomatic that they can’t deliver the Flood Mitigation Plan budget even after surveyed & research by so-called Chinese expert. Sign……….Nightmare scenario……..

Well, so much about politics. Yeh Politics! Flooding would be the main political issue in the coming election and give the opposition an advantage and claim political mileage.

It’s time for sarawakian Mps to get it’s act together and insist on the budget from the federal Gov’t to ease the suffering of the people. Ya, they do have the people at heart, don’t they?

In view of the present weather condition, we are skeptical about the road condition from Sibu to Kuching. We are heading home next week to celebrate CNY. Hope the condition would improve and safely home.
Happy Chinese New Year & lots & lots of Angpow

Famous Quote

`In an economy where the only certainty is uncertainty, the sure source of lasting competitive advantage is knowledge’- Ikujiro Nonaka, leading authority in knowledge mgmt

`Everybody has the opportunity to succeed. If you haven’t accomplished it, it is only because you haven’t worked hard enough.’ – Andrew Carnegie.

`It is better late than never.’ – famous rock group band , Bon Jovi

`Success is going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm’. – Sir Winston Churchill

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Flooding in Sarawak

Floods wreak havoc in Sarawak – Day 1

It’s landas season in Sarawak creating havoc and forced thousands of people to move to higher ground and evacuate not only those living in the low -lying areas of the interior part of Sarawak but also including town and cities throughout the state.

From newspaper report, the floods may get worse in next few days lasting till January 14. The place that I stay is no exception, worsen by incessant rain and poor drainage. Today, we were all stranded at home. Roads leading to the main road were cut off after heavy rains. Only heavy vehicles like buses and lorries could pass through. My site vehicle `Ford’ ( ah, American product!) can’t get through.

However, with the spirit of `YES WE CAN’, we braved the floods and rains to reach the nearest shophouse ( 300M from our house) & informed one of my supervisors to fetch us from there.

During the journey, I requested my QS to take a few pix of the flood situation while we were walking towards higher ground. I was at 2 feet knee deep water level which I thought why not take a photo of me braving the floods with my working bag / laptop and in shorts & t-shirt too! Sadly he took the photo of me when my both feet were submerged by 6 inches high water level. ( no wonder he is a QS- Calculative). My initial intention is to prove how determine all of us despite the situation and the risks where we could have just stay at home and continue sleeping and dreaming about the coming Chinese New Year.

According to Dr M, a credible & intelligent leader must be in the frontline to his his subordinate and not just give orders from behind the scene. In short, LEADERS MUST BE BRAVE ENOUGH TO TAKE RISKS'. So, am i a leader? Anyway, the water is too swallow to get drown!

Well, being dedicated and loyal employees and sense of responsibility to complete the project, an unnecessary day off it’sinful and not our cup of tea.

At last, we reached the office at 10;30 am. Rains continue and the whole site messy. However, rains stopped after lunch and we managed to place 50m3 of concrete to one of the quarters’ slab.

It’s 6pm and we leave our site office taking a ride from our Resident Engineer’s car. He is a good man indeed. As the water keeps rising, he dropped us by the roadside while flood waters spilled onto the stretch of road nearby and we `paddle’ home the same route. Feeling tired, I took a nap and by 8pm I browsed through some paper work and prepare for tomorrow’s `nightmare’.

Hopefully it’s getting better and under control, at least to the route taking us to work.

Can we blame Mother Nature or rather can we fight Mother Nature?, according to Kuching Barrage Management S/B GM, Captain Goh Chin Guan. sound nope!

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Courage & honesty bring sucess

SUCCESS means to reach such a constant level of positive thoughts that good actions happen naturally. Good actions are like good seeds which, when planted, produce healthy sweet fruit. As you sow, so shall you reap.

Concern for the quality of our actions today ensures the success of our tomorrow.Virtues are the mainstay in this b'cos success like this requires hope, & hope, in today's world requires courage.

It is a matter of working from the strength of our convictions which is a spiritual kind of honesty. Balance of both hope & courage makes our path easier.

We will only then move forward & our success will also be assured. Courage alone does not bring success. If there is only courage, there will be ego.

Notice how many times you put yourself down during the day. Include what you think & say, & words spoken in jest.

Pay particular attention to how you react to your mistakes & poor choices. Think of yourself as a child who is learning to walk; you need encouragement - not criticism.

Thought for reflection:

The hopeful man sees success where others see failure; sunshine where others see shadows and storms.

My thought;

Every successful person has a painful story.
Every painful story has a successful ending.
Accept the pain & get ready for success.
Mistakes are painful when they happen.
But year's later collection of mistakes is called experience, which leads to SUCCESS.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Stop blaming mother nature

WHEN a crisis occurs, people tend to blame everyone else but themselves. If someone meets with an accident due to his own inadequacies, they say that it is an act of GOD.

Is God there only to punish us? God bestows happiness and removes sorrow. Instead of pointing fingers here and there, it is far better to focus on what we can do.

Sometimes, we think values are only connected to morals and ethics. But just look at the condition of the world around us and we can see that we are living a life almost devoid of values.

We have said: " We can control the environment, we can dominate it but we do not have to respect it."

Can we say that today? We have come to a point of crisis. I think we have been shocked by the results of what we have done.

It is our past actions that have led to the pollution of the environment; increased noise and heat levels, the decimation of the forests and landslides today.

So now we say:" Ah, but there should be respect; respect for life, for the environment; for all forms of life and definitely, there should be respect for human life."

Living a life of moderation is the best way out.

Many charters may be signed and environmental laws passed, but we will continue to damage the environment and destroy our home until we learn to respect life.

I can only respect life"out there" when i respect myself "in here".

Thought for reflection: Let us take responsibility for our own actions.

By Bridget Menezes

Happy New Year 2009

Happy New Year, Let's start with a joke,

Ah Lian was a pillion rider holding 2 big bag of durians when their motorbike rode over a hump in the town of Balik Pulau in front of the burs terminal.

The rider, her husband, Ah Beng heard a loud `bang!'. He asked Ah Lian, `Durians wu kalau boh? ( Have u drop the durians?)

Ah Lian shouted` Boh Kalau! `Boh kalau'! So Ah Beng did not bother & continued with the journey along the long & winding road towards Paya Terubong.

When they reached home in Bayan Lepas, Ah Beng got down from his motorbike, he was shocked to see that Ah Lian was not wearing helmet.

He asked Ah Lian: `Where is your helmet?' Ah Lian was very angry & replied:` Just now i already told you BOH KALAU!'

A Happy New & rewarding Year Ahead.